Tile Care & Maintenance

Tile flooring | Affordable Flooring Warehouse | Steamboat Springs, CO

Routine Tile Care

Maintaining the beauty of your tile floors is simple. Regular sweeping and dusting will help ensure your floors retain their appealing appearance. You can also use a damp mop to clean your tile floors and maintain their luster. To minimize wear in high-traffic areas, consider placing area rugs, and for added protection, use felt protectors under furniture legs to prevent scratches.

Tile Spills & Stains

When it comes to spills and stains on your tile floors, quick action is essential. Use a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to blot the affected area immediately to prevent liquid from seeping into the tile. Avoid rubbing, as it can cause further damage. For effective stain removal methods and to avoid potential damage or voiding warranties, we recommend consulting your manufacturer's guide for approved products and methods.

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